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Rose Cream
The recipe for Rose Cream is fairly simple and it can be prepared easily at home and can be added among the numerous homemade beauty tips that one can avail. It is an excellent day use cream and can be applied as a moisturizer or even under makeup. Rose oil is considered the "Queen" of essential oils is effective in curing wrinkles and fine face lines. Rose water works as a natural astringent and helps tighten the skin.
Rose Cream For Day Time Usage:
To prepare Rose Cream for Day Use, you need the following ingredients:
1 tsp. Borax dissolved in 4 fl. oz. Rosewater
1 tsp anhydrous lanolin
10-20 drops of Fresh Rose Petal extract
6 fl. Oz almond oil
2 oz. Beeswax
15-20 drops oil of rose
How to Prepare Rose Cream for Day Use:
Heat the lanolin and the beeswax carefully in water without letting the wax burn or boil.
Turn off the heat and pour the almond oil into the lanolin and beeswax mixture.
Add the zinc-oxide-almond oil cream carefully to this mixture.
Add the borax rosewater and fresh Rose Petal extract; beat the mixture until it cools off.
Pour rose oil to add scent to the mixture. Beat it with a wooden spatula until it turns cold and pour into three 4 oz.
Your rose cream for day use is now ready to use.
How to Apply Rose Cream for Day Use:
Apply this homemade Rose cream daily on your face, hands and around the neck.
While applying on your neck, rub the rose cream slowly in circular motions, gradually stretching the neck up and exercising your neck muscles.
Almond oil replaces necessary body oils; Rosewater is a gentle astringent and moisturizer replacing liquid to the cells and tightening the skin; lanolin is a potent emollient and very much like human oils; borax is a skin softener and will help to produce a very white cream while its disadvantage is that it often adds a grainy texture; zinc oxide is useful for healing reddened, sore or irritated skin. Rose Cream For Night Time Usage:
To prepare Rose Cream for Night Use, you need the following ingredients:
20 fl. oz. Almond oil
16 fl. oz. Rosewater to which have been added 1 oz. dried red Rose petals, this soaked for 3 days, then strained out and removed
3 oz. Beeswax Essence of Rose, if desired
How to Prepare Rose Cream for Night Use:
Into a water bath or the top of a double boiler put the oil and the wax. Heat until the wax is dissolved and then remove pot from the fire. Add the Rosewater slowly, beating all the while, and beat until it is cool. At this point add the essence of Rose a drop at a time, if you like. Beat the creamy lotion until cold, pour into a bottle and store away for use.
How to Apply Rose Cream for Night Use:
This lotion makes an excellent Rose Cold Cream to remove old grimy dirt or makeup. Simply apply with clean fingertips and remove with fine tissue. Then you might take a teaspoonful of cornmeal in each palm and rub the hands and face well with it. Rinse with warm water and then cold. Pat the remaining fine film of cream into the skin for night-time smoothing.
Almond oil and Rosewater as we know is an excellent moisturizing lubricant for normal to dry to sensitive skin; cornmeal is a gentle tonic stimulating to the tissues and acts as a "beauty grain".
Tip: Whenever making fine cosmetics always use a porcelain or glass pot. Some beauty experts recommend stainless steel cooking pots but these often leach poisonous heavy metals into the enclosed liquids. Nonmetal is best for herbs.
Rose Eye Wash for Sore, Tired or Irritated Eyes
Ingredients 1 oz. Rosewater
8 oz. Water
9 Rosebuds
Quantity: Makes 3-8 eye or face washes.
To Make: In a small covered enamel pot, bring the Rosebuds and water to a slow boil, lower the heat, remove the cover and simmer for a minute or two until some of the water boils off. Strain out the liquid into a clean container and refrigerate. When cool, add the Rosewater to 4 oz. of the herbal liquid. You must use this liquid within 3 days.
To Use: Rinse your eyes whenever necessary using this fluid with either an eyecup or the hollow of your palm.
Tip No. 1: You can also add 1 oz. Rosewater directly to 4 oz. of distilled or boiled water, without using the Rosebuds called for above and bottle the liquid. This will not spoil and may be used at your leisure.
Tip No. 2: Rosewater may be purchased at any old-fashioned pharmacy, herb or nutrition store and in most fine liquor stores (Rosewater is often used in fine mixed drinks).