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Stretch mark
Stretch mark is the appearance of scarring on the surface of the skin with a shiny white tone. Stretch mark is known as Striae in dermatology.
They are mostly developed with obesity, puberty, pregnancy, extreme physical activity and bodybuilding. They result from overstretching of the surface of skin which disturbs the usual creation of collagen associating a scar.
Stretch marks are generally the outcome of the extended skin in short-term weight gain or pregnancy. Sometimes, it is known as Striae Gravidarum. In some cases, it can be the symptoms or signs of Cushing’s syndrome. Long term or heavy corticosteroid utilizes oral forms or cream that can develop striae creation.
Stretch mark
Medicinal terminology for these forms of scarring contain vergetures, striae gravidarum, linea albicante, striae atrophicae, striae, striae cutis distensae or striae distensae.
They initially look like purple or reddish lines but slowly become lighter to a lighter tone. The affected regions seem to be soft and empty on touching.
There are three layers of skin of human body such as the subcutaneous stratum, the dermis and the epidermis. Stretch marks arise in the dermis that assists the skin in keeping its form. Once the middle layer of the skin has been stretched, firm areas of it overextend, decrease all the flexibility and develop the connective fibres within to crack. The outcome is stretch marks.
Once the human body proceeds to the new outstretched size such as after weight loss or childbirth; stretch marks frequently become greatly less clear.
Stretch marks can be developed on any part of the body. They generally appear in the areas where fat is accumulated or that have a trend to stretch. Mostly stretch marks are appeared on the upper arms, abdomen, underarms, buttocks, thighs, breasts and hips. They create no fitness hazard and do not cooperate with the capability of the body to do the job and mend them.
There are many procedures to eliminate stretch marks from the body such as dermabrasion, current uses such as cocoa butter and laser treatments. There is no certain technique of stopping stretch marks; however many persons consider that making use of creams or essential oils in high-risk regions may assist in stopping them by providing the skin more elasticity.
Surgery is the best treatment to eliminate any kind of stretch marks from different parts of the body. Although some contemporary applications survive, they are just efficient in vanishing the stretch marks; they do not develop stretch marks to entirely fade away.
Removing the stretch marks by natural methods
• Massage the area with stretch marks using either cod liver oil, olive oil, vitamin E oil or flaxseed oil.
• Regularly doing exercises will tone your body and reduce stretch marks because it’s when your skin become loose or stretches that stretch marks start appearing.
• An age old remedy for removing stretch marks is applying some cocoa butter on them.
• If you are not eating the right foods, you can get stretch marks because your body is not getting the right nutrients. Make changes in your eating habits so that you have a balanced meal and your body get the nutrition it requires.
• Taking too much caffeine or tea can make your skin more susceptible to stretch marks. Reduce the intake and increase your consumption of water.
• Using oils containing Vitamin E or Olive oil can reduce stretch marks and even prevent them from occurring, by providing the skin with nourishment and increasing elasticity.
• Buy creams containing collagen as they help to fight off stretch marks.
• Applying lavender oil on the areas with stretch marks can help to remove them.
• Use an apricot scrub on the area affected by stretch marks and you will see them to disappear in a short while.