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Health Tips Home Remedies for Sore Throat
Sore Throat refers to the inflammation of the pharynx or back of the throat. Sore throats usually occurs with a cold and cough or can be a result of swollen tonsils or an infection and irritation in the throat, which can sometimes lead to pain or ache in the ear. An irritating condition of the throat may range from the harmless to the serious problem.
Use of mango bark is very beneficial in sore throat. Make a gargle by mixing 10 ml of the fluidextract with 125 ml of water. This is one of the effective and simple home remedies for sore throat
Use of mango bark is very beneficial in sore throat. Make a gargle by mixing 10 ml of the fluidextract with 125 ml of water. This is one of the effective and simple home remedies for sore throat
Sore throat treatment - An infusion of the seeds mixed with common salt can be used as a gargle in acute condition.
The leaves of the holy basil have also been found beneficial in the treatment of sore throat. The water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink or can also be used as a gargle. This is also effective natural remedy for sore throat
A hot Epsom salt bath will be highly beneficial.
Add 2 sprigs of coarsely chopped parsley, 3 whole spice cloves, 1 teaspoon of powdered myrrh, and 1/4 teaspoon powdered goldenseal to 1 pint of boiling water to prepare the tea. Stir use as a gargle or mouthwash. This is one of the effective home remedies for sore throat
Daily dry friction bath is also beneficial for the sore throat.
Take 4 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. Honey, 1/8 tsp. cayenne and Mix them together, take a spoonful when needed and chew it up well before swallowing as this provides relief and is good natural remedy for sore throat
The throat gargled several times with warm water mixed with a little salt also provide relief from sore throat. This is one of the simplest sore throat cures.
Make a tea by adding 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried chamomile blossoms to a pint of boiling water and drink a cup after every few hours. This is a good home remedy for sore throat
Diet for sore throat - Cut an onion, put in a cup with a top, soak with honey, cover the cup and leave for one hour, swallow 1 spoon of the honey after every few hours to get relief. This is also effective home remedy for sore throat
Just like mom used to say, gargle with salt water (½ tsp. mixed with 4 oz warm water) every few hours or as needed.
Mix a cup of warm water, 2 tsp. honey and the juice of one lemon (or several teaspoons) and sip
Mixing white vinegar, water, salt and crushed vitamin C together, gargle
Others swear by gargling with chili pepper (yes, chili pepper!) Capsaicin, the ingredient in chili pepper that makes them hot, also numbs the throat. Mix ½ tsp. dried chili or cayenne pepper in a few ounces of water and gargle.
Remember to drink plenty of liquids. Orange juice and other acidic juices may irritate a sore throat, so be careful.
Some added thoughts and suggestions:
A constant tickle or cough could indicate an allergy to certain foods.
If sore throat recurs or lasts longer than two weeks, or if you have difficulty swallowing, don't wait; see your doctor.
Replace your toothbrush regularly. Any time you’ve been ill, you should throw away your toothbrush and start fresh (When your not sick, monthly replacement is suggested)
If you smoke, stop.
And again, drink plenty of liquids. Teas and water are best.
Mango bark is efficacious in the treatment of a sore throat and other throat disorders. Its fluid, which is extracted by grinding, can be applied locally with beneficial results. It can also be used as a throat gargle. This gargle is prepared by mixing 10 ml of the fluid extract with 125 ml of water
The herb "belleric myroblan" is a valuable sore throat remedy. A mixture of two grams of the pulp of the fruit, a quarter teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of powdered long pepper and two teaspoons of honey should be administered in the treatment of this condition. The fried fruit can also be roasted after covering it with wheat flour, and used as a cure for a sore throat.
Bishop's weed is valuable for sore throat treatment. An infusion of the seeds mixed with common salt can be used beneficially as a gargle in an acute condition caused by a cold.
Cinnamon is regarded as an effective remedy for a sore throat resulting from a cold. One teaspoon of coarsely powdered cinnamon, boiled in a glass of water with a pinch of pepper powder, and two teaspoons of honey can be taken as a medicine in the treatment of this condition. Two or three drops of cinnamon oil, mixed with a teaspoon of honey, also give immense relief
A gargle prepared from fenugreek seeds has been found to be a very effective remedy for treating a sore throat. To prepare this gargle, two tablespoons of fenugreek seeds should be put in a litre of cold water and allowed to simmer for half an hour over a low flame. This should then be allowed to cool to a bearable temperature, strained, and then used entirely as a gargle.
The leaves of henna are useful as a sore throat cure. A decoction of the leaves can be used as a gargle for this purpose.
The leaves of holy basil have also been found beneficial in the in curing sore throat. Water boiled with basil leaves should be taken as a drink, and also used as a gargle to relieve a sore throat
The herb kantakari is a valuable in sore throat remedy. An extract of the plant should be used as a gargle for this purpose. This extract is prepared by continuously boiling the plant in about two litres of water after washing it thoroughly
Liquorice is a recognized home remedy for sore throat in all parts of India. A small piece of raw liquorice should he chewed or sucked for treating this condition. The healing property of the herb soothes inflammation quickly
Sage is another effective cure for a sore throat. Half a litre of boiling water should be poured on a handful of sage leaves. When moderately cool, a little vinegar and honey should be added according to taste. This mixture should be used as a gargle. A teaspoon of this mixture call also be taken internally at the same time
A decoction made from tea leaves is very beneficial in the treatment of a sore throat. This decoction, mixed with a pinch of salt, should be used as a gargle. It can be used two or three times daily for obtaining relief. It is not necessary to use fresh leaves for this purpose. Boiling water can be poured over used tea leaves in the tea jug and this decoction used as a gargle.
Tamarind is also beneficial in the treatment of sore throat. Tamarind water should be used as a gargle. A powder of the dry leaves and an infusion of the bark can also be used for preparation of a gargle for treating sore throat
Diet for sore throat - Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, a pinch of cayenne pepper, extracted juice of 1/4 a lemon, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Add to this 1 cup of hot water and stir well. Drink this up to 4 cups a day for sore throat relief. This is one of the effective home remedies for sore throat
The spice cinnamon is also regarded as an effective sore throat remedy. Powdered spice boiled in a glass on water with a pinch of pepper powder and honey is highly beneficial in the treatment. The oil of cinnamon mixed with honey also provides relief. Good Home Remedy for Sore Throat.
A gargle prepared from fenugreek seeds is also beneficial in the sore throat treatment.