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Health Tips Apple Benefits
Our ancestors believed that old proverb "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," but they didn't understand the 'Why' of it.
Apple is a cholesterol and fat free fruit packed with loads of vitamins and nutrients. Apple juice is delicious. It contains healthy amounts of Vitamin C and is also a natural source of niacin, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and calcium. You will also find high levels of antioxidants and apple keeps you away from heart diseases.
The healthy ingredients in apples (phytochemicals) are natural antioxidants. It helps to neutralize particles known as free radicals that have been linked to the development of cancer and heart disease.
Apples are highly acidic, but not harmfully so. It comprises of 90 per cent malic acid and 10 per cent citric acid. The sweetness of this crispy fruit comes from sucrose and fructose, both of which are natural sugars. Since natural sugars are not harmful for the body, apples are good supplements for diabetic patients.
Apple is also an excellent source of pectin, a fibre that helps reduce blood cholesterol. One medium-sized apple provides five grams of dietary fiber. Forget all these studies and information on apple if you aren’t convinced but don’t skip the facts which are given right below.
Apple juice is good for your heart
Apple contains natural sugar. It gives a good energy boost
It is a good source of vitamins, especially vitamin C
Apples contain dietary fiber
It is rich in potassium
Ripe apples contain 80 per cent water and are fat free
Important minerals are found in apples
It is a good weight loss supplement
It can control arthritis and rheumatism
One apple equals one portion of the five fruit and vegetables required for daily intake
This fruit has low sodium content
It helps to fight Alzheimer disease
Apart from this, apple juice is beneficial for the treatment of Anemia, Diarrhea, Heart Disease, Kidney Stones, Eye Disorders, and other irritations.
Apples don't have fat, cholesterol or sodium, which may help you maintain heart health and a healthy weight.
Apples do have lots of fiber - both soluble and insoluble kinds. Fiber may help promote heart health and maintain regularity.
Apples contain small amounts of potassium, which may promote heart health and help maintain healthy blood pressure.
Nutritional scientists research for evidences that verify how apples are good for our health. Apples are rich in pectin, a soluble fiber (fibre), which is effective in lowering cholesterol levels.
Apples work in any form, from raw to juice, to maintain good cardiovascular health. Researchers at the University of California, Davis, found that apples act as antioxidants against the damaging portion of cholesterol in the blood stream.
Many researchers suggest that people who eat fatty foods should, if possible, wash down this food with apple juice rather than the usual drink.
Researchers have found that apples are the richest of fruits in pectin with the Jonagold variety of apple leading other varieties.
A diet of low fiber, high fat, and animal protein appears to be the leading cause of death in many people. It has been established that a diet rich in pectin can protect against these diseases. (Thrombosis Research, United Kingdom)
Biotherapy (Japan) has found in their lavatories that apple pectin can decrease colon cancer.
Apple fiber helps maintain intestinal balance by cleansing the intestinal tract with its soluble and insoluble fibers. Pectin apple fiber increases the acidity in the large intestines. (University of Florida College of Medicine)
Apple pectin in any form is advocated for diabetics and those suffering from ulcer, colitis, and for regulating the blood pressure.
Researchers advise that children should be taught to eat apples or drink apple juice and to keep this habit on through life. Too many people ignore good nutrition until they get old, then, too late, they begin to worry about their health.
Establish good diet habits early and keep them throughout life and that means eat plenty of apples and drink apple juice.