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Home Remedies for Back Ache
Backache is one of the most common ailments prevalent today. Sedentary living habits, hazardous work patterns and psychological conditions associated with emotional stress, which bring about spasm of the muscles, cause backaches. As the back bears the weight of the entire body, overweight persons feel the strain on the back when they have to carry an extra load.
Here are presented some effective back ache cure home remedies:
Limejuice serves as an excellent home remedy for backache. Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and add common salt in it. Drink it two times in a day. It will act as a great back pain reliever.
As a part of back pain home remedy treatment, raw potato in the form of poultice is to be applied on the pain affected area. Usually potato is used to treat lower back pain.
Vitamin C that is mainly found in citrus fruits is considered valuable for getting rid of backaches. Consume about 2000 mg of this vitamin everyday.
Applying garlic oil on the back gives immense relief from back pain. Take about 10 small garlic pieces and fry them in oil on a low flame. You can either use sesame oil, coconut oil or mustard oil. Fry till the garlic cloves turn light brown. Let the oil prepared from garlic cool completely. Thereafter apply it on the back and keep it for about three hours. In a couple of days, you’ll feel its magical effects.
The most important home remedy for backache is the use of garlic. Two or three cloves should be taken every morning to get results. An oil prepared from garlic and rubbed on the back will give great relief. This oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil in a frying pan. Any of the oils which are used as rubefacients, such as mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil can be used according to one's choice. They should be fried on a slow fire till they are brown. After the oil has cooled, it should be applied vigorously on the back, and allowed to remain there for three hours. The patient may, thereafter, take a warm-water bath. This treatment should be continued for at least fifteen days.
Lemon is another useful remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with common salt and taken by the patient twice daily. It will give relief.
The use of chebulic myroblan is beneficial in the treatment of backache. A small piece of this fruit should be eaten after meals. This will give quick relief.
Vitamin C has proved valuable in case of severe backaches. About 2,000 mg of this vitamin should be taken daily for treating this condition. Considerable improvement will be noticeable within two days.
Raw potato is an ancient home remedy for backache, characterised by incapacitating pain in the lumbar region, especially in the lower part of the back. Application of raw potato in the fom of a poultice has been found very effective in this condition.
Soak 60 grams of wheat in water at night. In the morning along with the wheat add 30 grams Cuscus grass (khas khas grass) and 30 grams coriander. Mix this to make a paste and boil it in 250 grams of milk till two-third of it is left. It helps in relieving pain and increases the digestive strength of the body. This remedy is one of the best home remedies for backache.
Intake of equal amounts of khas khas grass and sugar candy mixed and powdered in the dose of 6 grams twice a day with milk is a good home remedy for backache and helps in backache pain relief.
In the morning drink glucose or honey in warm water.
The most effective method to backache treatment is exercise which improves the supply of nutrients to spinal discs, and helps in the delaying of deterioration that takes place, as one gets older.
Proper rest is very important for backache cure. Rest flat on your back for at least 2-4 hours.
Do not bend your back or shoulders while picking up something from the ground. Bend your knee and then pick it up. This exercise is helpful in backache pain relief.
The people doing sedentary occupations should get up once or stand from there seats after every hour.
Soft cushioned seats should be avoided and position should be changed as often as possible. - Note for Back Pain patients.
Persons with back problems should sleep on a firm mattress on their sides with knees bent at right angles.
The most important home remedy for backache oil made from garlic. Two or three garlic cloves should be taken every morning. Garlic oil massaged on the back will give great relief. This garlic oil is prepared by frying ten cloves of garlic in 60 ml of oil(any of oil like mustard oil. sesame oil, and coconut oil) in a frying pan.
Another backache remedy is massage your back with mint oil gently.
Hot fomentations, alternate sponging or application or radiant heat to the back will also give immediate relief. Effective Home Remedy for Back Pain.
Preliminary research has shown that massage alone helps people with low back pain. Rub the painful area of the back with Arthcare oil. This is very effective for relieving the pain. Arthcare penetrates the body tissues faster because of its strong anti-inflammatory action.
Yogic asanas that are beneficial in the backache treatment are bhujangasana, shalabhasana, halasana, uttarpadasana, and shavasana.
Lemon is useful natural remedy for backache. The juice of one lemon should be mixed with common salt and given to the patient two times as daily routine. It will give backache pain relief.
Heat may be applied with hot water bottle or infrared lamp for temporary backache pain relief in the area.
Natural remedy for backache is massaging the back with turpentine oil has also been proved beneficial in providing relief to the backache.
Raw potato is also one of the good home remedies for backache. Application of raw potato in the poultice form has been found very effective in backache cure.
Excess weight also increases the stress on the soft tissues of back so precautions should be taken to control the weight.